
Yábir Benchakhtir

I study and at the same time I develop Anfora

Ο/η yabirgb λαμβάνει 0,00 € ανά εβδομάδα από 0 δωρητές.
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Hi! I'm Yábir, known as yabirgb@mstdn.io.

I study a degree in CS and a degree in Mathematics. At the same time I develop Anfora.

Anfora is meant to be a descentralizated platform to share images using the ActivityPub standard. This means that this platform talks the same language that mastodon, pixelfed, pleroma and many others.

The money will be used to pay domains, servers and artists

Συνδεδεμένοι Λογαριασμοί

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yabirgb εντάχθηκε στο πριν από 6 έτη.

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