
Vore Microcomputers

software and hardware development company that is legally identified as "Real Microsoft, LLC"

Ο/η voremicrocomputers λαμβάνει 0,27 $ ανά εβδομάδα από 1 δωρητή.
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hello! we are "Vore Microcomputers"!

our website | our git

we are a software and hardware company that focuses on one main objective:
screenshot of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, where the objective of the park is to "Have Fun!"
we have been striving to have fun ever since our company's creation back in the ancient year of 2022, and after all these fun years of working on open-source software and hardware projects, we are now nearly bankrupt!

what now?

ever since our company's inception, we have been attempting to work toward one main goal: building an actual physical computer. over time, we have slowly developed this general goal into a concrete plan. by our estimates (working at our current pace, with no extra funding and little extra help), in 2-3 years, we may be releasing:

the VoreStation

the VoreStation will be a desktop workstation computer, powered by a custom UNIX-like operating system called Vap, and running on our own custom hardware centered around the PowerPC 7xx line of chips. the hardware and OS will be fully open-source, with some already existing components (such as our Rust-OpenFirmware API interfaces) already being available to the public! we also have some flowcharts we made showing what needs to be done for both the software side and the hardware side of this project, although they're really big and i couldn't get a good screenshot of them so here's an image of the general overview of them along with some notes i added!


flowchart showing the development requirements for the Vap operating system


flowchart showing the development requirements for the VoreStation hardware

our progress so far

we are currently in the mid-to-early stages in the "bootloader" section for the software flowchart, however this is mostly due to a recent restructuring of the project in order to be more organised as well as to potentially allow for expansion to other architectures in the future.
as for the hardware flowchart, we have a general idea of the parts needed and the requirements of such a system, however we have yet to make much progress on this chart as we currently only have a single employee and have been focusing more on the software side due to it being less expensive to develop to a usable point


this is where you come in! we are currently looking for funding to potentially hire extra developers for the project, or at the very least have funding to be able to commit to this full-time! capitalism sucks and we've been very lucky to be able to get as far as we have on what funds we started with, however hopefully with the help of other people we will be able to do really cool things!

legal notice

Vore Microcomputers is an unregistered trademark of Real Microsoft, LLC. all references to "the company" are in reference to Real Microsoft, LLC and the name Vore Microcomputers is only a reference to the hardware/software focused development project held under Real Microsoft, LLC. Real Microsoft, LLC is in no way associated with the Microsoft Corporation or its products/projects.

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voremicrocomputers έχει 1 δημόσιο προστάτη.

0,25 €/εβδομάδα


voremicrocomputers εντάχθηκε στο πριν από 1 έτος.

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