
Tutmonda Esperanta Ĉifroakademio

Support for the cultural collaboration of esperantists in blockchain-based blogging platforms

Ο στόχος του/της tecx είναι να λαμβάνει 800,00 $ ανά εβδομάδα.
Δωρεά   PayPal


TEĈ (Worldwide Esperanto Crypto-academy) is a virtual space for the collaboration between esperantists willing to use diverse high-tech means to develop their cultural creation (videos, podcasts, essays, reports, analysis, stories, music, etc.), earning a constant income for such work.

We believe that mixing both areas, culture and economy, is an accurate strategy to develop the potentialities of any community and improve its conditions. And we see in the financial possibilities of cryptocurrencies an invaluable opportunity to develop the Esperanto community, strengthening it with more cultural creation and the establishment of a thriving economic dynamic.

Currently, there are several services —little known to most people— that allow us to obtain incomes by our cultural production. They basically function as crypto-blogging platforms; that is, platforms whose system automatically rewards authors by means of cryptocurrencies. Many of us work in those platforms and sustain our lives, to a certain extent, thanks to such systems.

Our initiative involves that every member of our team becomes a true blogger: perhaps a video-blogger, a podcast creator and/or a writer. However, we have realized that the immense technological complexity of crypto-economics, together with the difficulty inherent to this intellectual work, demands from us an intense and permanent educational activity, so that more and more Esperanto-speakers take advantage of our project. For this reason, TEĈ is a school and a support group that must guide constantly the activity of our members in their work as authors.

Our team needs financial support during this first stage, to create a constant organizational structure and stable accounts to support our bloggers. For all this, we thank in advance all our future and friendly patrons.


Εμφάνιση μεριδίων εσόδων


tecx εντάχθηκε στο πριν από 5 έτη.

Εισόδημα Ανά Εβδομάδα (σε Δολάριο ΗΠΑ)

Αριθμός προστατών ανά εβδομάδα