

Software for the next generation of social media.

Ο/η soapbox λαμβάνει 0,94 $ ανά εβδομάδα από 1 δωρητή. Στόχος: 500,00 $
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Powering the Future of Social Media

Soapbox is customizable open-source software that puts the power of social media in the hands of the people. Feature-rich and hyper-focused on providing a user experience to rival Big Tech, Soapbox is already home to some of the biggest alternative social platforms.

Connect with users across the Fediverse — a network of over 5,000 connected sites that hosts 4.4 million users.

Support Our Work

Soapbox is entirely built by dedicated members of the Free Software community. Please consider making a donation to support our mission to make decentralized social media the new standard and protect users from the abuses of Big Tech.


Εμφάνιση μεριδίων εσόδων

Συνδεδεμένοι Λογαριασμοί

Ο/Η soapbox έχει τους ακόλουθους λογαριασμούς σε άλλες πλατφόρμες:


soapbox εντάχθηκε στο πριν από 2 έτη.

Εισόδημα Ανά Εβδομάδα (σε Δολάριο ΗΠΑ)

Αριθμός προστατών ανά εβδομάδα