

Science contributor and entrepreneur

Ο στόχος του/της ParagenesisTV είναι να λαμβάνει 100,00 £ ανά εβδομάδα.
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I am currently scientific contributor and a small scale retail supplier of collectables. I have a new zest for life and it's taking me in new directions, which feels good. I am passionate about many things, but I love the natural world, which is where my passion lead to some exciting scientific discoveries in the fossil world. I love listening to music, and am working on my own compositions, but I still lack the essential equipment and music software needed to fully realise my dream of producing my own music. I enjoy entertaining people, making people smile and laugh is my enjoyment in life.

Very recently I set up business as a live streamer of which I am taking small steps to explore this exciting 'new' media. Quality live streaming requires super fast internet and a host of other securities so I decided to take the plunge and I have made many financial sacrifices to be able to invest in some new equipment, so hopefully I can now deliver to my audience. But I need support. Donations would help me to concentrate on my goals. Thank you.

I also have a passion for music. I would like to combine the live streaming with audio video visual feast with my own music, space and esoteric themed compositions. Again, your kind donation would help me to concentrate on my goals. Thank you.

Συνδεδεμένοι Λογαριασμοί

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ParagenesisTV εντάχθηκε στο πριν από 3 έτη.

Εισόδημα Ανά Εβδομάδα (σε Λίρα Στερλίνα Βρετανίας)

Αριθμός προστατών ανά εβδομάδα