

I like to make and share pictures

Ο/η OtherMedia έχει 0 δωρητές.


I'm a photographer, who loves documenting many beautiful things and people. I don't like selling my work however would like it to be available to everyone independent of their income or spending interest. Therefore I share under a creative commons license. Supporting me here enables me to put more time in taking and processing the photos I make and share.

Currently I publish my work on here: https://othermedia.nl

And archive here: https://u2m.nl/pwg/

Συνδεδεμένοι Λογαριασμοί

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OtherMedia εντάχθηκε στο πριν από 6 έτη.

Εισόδημα Ανά Εβδομάδα (σε Ευρώ)

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