

Bringing Developmental Language Disorder to the masses

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What is and why spread awareness about Developmental Language Disorder

Developmental Language Disorder (otherwise known as DLD) is a disorder that affects speech and language. It is affected (or at least the activist that speaks on the YouTube channel Dysphasia PV) by a stroke within the womb. It affects 1.9m children within the UK, and it's virtually unheard of, and yet, it's more common than autism. Currently, he is creating a website about his book, Finding a Voice (available in Spanish and French, and from online bookstores and international bookstores, like Amazon and Borders) and spreading awareness. He is also in the early stages of creating a documentary for YouTube about the disorder, and he'll be interviewing other people with the disorder, their parents, speech therapists, researchers, politicians, and doctors. Although there are allies of the disorder who are trying to raise awareness, there are still a lot of deniers who don't believe that it exists.

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