

Any appreciated support for the work put into creating and running the "New to Hunting" Group.

Ο/η DebutHunter λαμβάνει 0,00 CA$ ανά εβδομάδα από 0 δωρητές.
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Hello hunting family,

Although I've set up and continue to run the "New to Hunting" Facebook Group out of my passion and interest for hunting and helping others, I thought it might be worthwhile putting in place a donation system if anyone feels the urge to support the time, effort and work put in to manage and uphold the quality of the group.

As we continue to grow, given the positive hunting environment and work we do in public to attract positive attention to hunting, the group itself is attracting more attention - by spammers, by sellers, but also by genuine people willing to join. It is an ongoing effort to weed out fake accounts trying to join, removing accounts that post sales, removing less-relevant posts in order to keep the advice and questions front and center, and so forth.

That said, I have no expectations for members to financially contribute to the work, but if you wish to it would be very much appreciated. Regardless, please continue to share your experiences, advice and positive vibes as it will always be the best way to help out the group and the community we have.

Thank you and happy hunting!

Tamer (Debut Hunter)


DebutHunter εντάχθηκε στο πριν από 4 έτη.

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